
My mom says I should never expect this to change. So... I won't expect it... but I definitely hope it will end sooner than later.

How many times do you have to ask your husband to put the toilet seat back down before he realizes you're not joking?

Kyle. Strike three, baby. Come on. Just try a little harder.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. When we were living with my in-laws I got mad at Kyle for leaving the toilet seat up. My MIL came up to me after and said it was actually my FIL, and she decided when they got married that it was a battle she didn't want to pick, so he just never puts it down no matter where he is. I just stared at her with my mouth wide open. Learning to put the toilet seat down is simply proper manners and proper manners are ALWAYS worth learning.

    Don't give up! Just keep reminding him and he'll eventually get it. Kyle does always claims to be a quick learner. :)
